Flat Heart Society

Albums:   Good luck
Bands:   Giardini di Mirò

Lyrics: Flat Heart Society

I've taken drugs
To be someone
I can't love you
With dirty hands
I lost my mark
Walked alone
A matter of
There are words
We lost around
A broken walz
For this society
Flat heart society
I dunno why
I've lost some weight
What is my size
In this society
I've slept too much
To ease this pain
I've sang so bad
To plead my love
Where are the notes
We played around
A broken walz
For this society
Flat heart society
Silence bleeds
If you shut up
Dont melt my face
In this society
Dont blow that soon
A changin wind
Dont leave me alone
In this society
Liquid soul,
Political dog
A circled square
In this society
Flat heart society.
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