…e adèss

Genres: Folk

“…e adèss” is the second album of the “Coro Monte Cusna” which, recorded in 2015, it proposes to make know yo the youngest generations the choral genre “of the people who sing in the townships and in the countries of another time, with the proper characters of different valleys and regions, of different idioms and dialects, from the Alps to Sicily its joys and sorrows, the work and the celebration, the love and the war, the protest and the consent, the departure and the nostalgia, the faith and the hope… ”


  1. J’Abruzzu
  2. L’è tre ore che son chi soto
  3. Sono un povero disertore
  4. La bergera
  5. Che cos’è
  6. E col cifolo del vapore
  7. La si taglia i biondi capelli
  8. Belle rose du printemps
  9. Fila fila
  10. La pastora
  11. Lucia Maria
  12. Son barcarol
  13. Era una notte che pioveva
  14. Stille Nacht
  15. Noi siamo i tre Re Magi
  16. I tre Re dell’Oriente

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